
Demi Lovato Talks Self-Love, Body Acceptance with Ashley Graham

  • Demi Lovato revealed on Ashley Graham's Pretty Big Deal podcast that self-love and body acceptance played a vital role in her mental health journey.
  • During the episode, Lovato credited trying to keep up with unattainable Hollywood beauty standards as a key factor that influenced her overall well-being.

Demi Lovato is done with dealing with Hollywood's unattainable beauty standards.

According to E! News, during a sit-down interview with Ashley Graham on the model's Pretty Big Deal podcast, the "Sorry Not Sorry" singer opened up about how prioritizing body acceptance is a vital component to her overall mental health. Rather than focusing solely on nonstop gym sessions, Lovato is taking the time to appreciate her body for exactly what it is. Lovato was hospitalized in July 2018 for a drug overdose and entered a rehab center immediately afterward.

"I have a bunch of people that I work with in the recovery aspect of my life, one of them is a dietician, one of them is a therapist," Lovato explained. "Now when I look in the mirror and I start to have a negative thought, I don't stop and say, 'No, you're beautiful, you're gorgeous, I love you, you're perfect the way you are.' Because I don't believe that."

Lovato acknowledged, however, that self-love is a gradual journey and some days are far easier than others.

"I would love to be in a place where I can say I'm super confident in my body," said the singer. "But the reality is, I'm not."

The singer also revealed that her journey to body acceptance means acknowledging that certain body ideals seemingly working for everyone else may not work for her. Lovato told Graham during their interview that she's stopped wearing denim jeans simply because they don't make her feel good.

"I haven't worn a pair of jeans in forever because I don't like jeans. They don't make me feel great right now. And I don't have to fucking wear jeans if I don't want to," quipped Lovato.

"I finally feel like I have freedom from it because I literally don't know my weight," Lovato said. "And it's the most free that I've ever felt in my whole life."

Headshot of Bianca Betancourt

Bianca Betancourt is the culture editor at HarpersBAZAAR.com, where she covers all things film, TV, music, and more. When she's not writing, she loves impulsively baking a batch of cookies, re-listening to the same early-2000s pop playlist, and stalking Mariah Carey's Twitter feed. 


Na Lin

Update: 2024-07-07